Covid-19 Research Study:
We are inviting you to participate in a research project to examine employee perceptions during Covid-19 pandemic. This project is being conducted by Dr. Kevin Kelloway, Dr. Stephanie Gilbert, Dr. Jane Mullen, Dr. Jennifer Dimoff, Tabatha Thibault, Vanessa Myers, and Rachael Jones-Chick, of Saint Mary’s University, Cape Breton University, Mount Allison University, and University of Ottawa. This research project is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). This study will examine organizations’ reactions and responses to the Covid-19 pandemic. The goal of the proposed research is to identify organizational “best practices” in response to a threatened disease outbreak. Specifically, to examine the effect of organizational policies, practices and communication on employees’ perceptions, attitudes, and behaviours. This project includes an initial online session, expected to take approximately 20 minutes at three separate time periods (4 months apart). We will ask you questions about your organization’s policies and procedures as well as questions relating to your health, mental health, and workplace behaviours.
Canadians aged 18 and over, who are currently employed (at least 20 hours a week), are fluent in English, and have access to a computer or other device with internet capabilities are eligible to participate.
Taking part is entirely voluntary and you may decide not to take part, or you may withdraw from the study at any time, without consequences.
If you would like to participate or would like more information, please email us at with “Participate” in the subject line. You will be contacted by a member of our research team.
This study was cleared by the SMU, CBU, Mount A., and U. of O. Research Ethics Boards.